BBE Languages | Strategic Partners in the construction of learning processes2023-10-04T21:40:33-05:00

We are your strategic ally
in languages with an emphasis on
communication for work

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Become part of the BBE Languages language Academy!

Learn a second language in our academy the way you learned your native language. Be part of an enriching and necessary cultural exchange to really consolidate a second language that you can apply in your work field.

With our language academy in Bogota, and Colombia, you will be able t master the second language you of your choice:

  • English.
  • French.
  • Spanish.
  • Portuguese.

Learn about the programs we have designed for you!

Organizations that support us

Modalities of our BBE Languages, language academy

Choose the modality that matches the way you learn and your specific availability or the availability of your company as a sponsor of your professional development with the proficiency of the second language. These are the modalities we offer:

At BBE Languages you and your company have at your fingertips one of the online, face-to-face or hybrid language academies, with a specialized methodology in the way you learn and the learning modality you choose.

Check out our programs!

Our methodology certified 80/20

We bring together the best methodologies and thus completed more than 15 thousand students who have achieved the levels of mastery proposed in their chosen program. From all of the above we designed our own certified 80/20 methodology that promotes:

Effective and efficient2021-08-19T11:50:44-05:00

We develop effective and efficient programs tailored to the needs of our students in real contexts with a team of certified professionals, mostly native speakers, who teach in a unique and creative way, achieving real results in a short period of time efficiently.

Modern, flexible and dynamic2021-08-19T11:47:47-05:00

We are modern, flexible and dynamic. We focus on having a deep understanding of the particular processes and needs of our students, which allows us to provide customized solutions that are tailored to you.

Industry leaders2021-08-19T11:44:19-05:00

We are leaders in the language education market and pioneers in educational programs (English, Portuguese, French and Spanish) with a focus on business and disruptive methodologies oriented to dynamic practices of real life experiences.


Years of experience


Certified teachers




Programs completed

Why is BBE Languages the language academy that will help you achieve your goal?

BBE Languages is the language academy in Bogota and Colombia that will help you achieve your goals because it focuses on your needs and real possibilities. The dream of mastering another language does not have any limitations with us:

  • Topics related to students’ professional and business roles.
  • Certified and special methodologies for effective learning in different modalities.
  • Comprehensive measurement of skills in the language to assess and monitor progress.
  • Latest technology applied to learning processes, evaluations and assessment.
  • Our own e-learning platform.
  • Guarantees and a real commitment with your learning.
  • Online or hybrid modality that is adapted for your learning, whenever and wherever you can.
  • Teachers that are certified in language teaching and are native or have a C1 level in the language they are teaching.
  • Incentives programs to boost motivation in the learning process.
  • Option to choose the program that best matches your availability and the way you learn.

Advantages of being part of our BBE Languages community

Our value proposal:

4 1 1

Boost Latin-American society with the mastery of a second language!

We are committed to your goals of mastering a second language. We know it is a way to open a transcending world of opportunities for you. That is why we propose you learn with:

  • Quality. Through programs that are designed with methodologies, topics and professional leaders that are up to the challenge of effectively teaching English, Spanish, Portuguese and French

  • Modernity, flexibility and dynamism. We teach the language in a way that you will actually learn it. We focus on your needs and adapt to your reality so the process can be motivating and satisfactory.

  • Effectiveness and efficiency. We have a qualified team of teachers at your service, so you can learn the language of your interest in a way that is effective, fast and enjoyable.

Our value proposal:

Hombre elegante empresario circular

“Encontré en BBE soluciones que no me ofrecieron en ninguna otra empresa. Se adaptaron a nuestras necesidades y al enfoque que requería nuestro equipo. Los recomiendo plenamente y agradezco su calidez humana, experiencia y la excelencia con la que implementan  todo lo que hacen.”

Gabriel Dubois, CEO
Mujer elegante mayor circular

“Llevamos años de la mano de BBE capacitando a nuestros equipos, fortaleciendo nuestro eje comercial y potencializando nuestras negociaciones internacionales. Gracias familia BBE Languages, han sido un aliado estratégico en la carrera de la globalización de nuestros servicios, esperamos contar con ustedes siempre.”

Martha Schmidt, Directora de RRHH
young man happiness circular

“Los idiomas no son mi mayor fortaleza, pero si son una necesidad en mi carrera y en los planes que tengo para mi vida como emprendedor. En BBE encontré mucha más que un programa de inglés, encontré personas que se preocupan por mi y mi aprendizaje, realmente jamás esperé tener avances tan rápidos y efectivos y aún más que supieran darme la motivación para lograrlo. Gracias a todos los profes, de verdad son maravillosos.”

Gabriel Sánchez, Estudiante en BBE

BBE Languages Blog