BBE Languages: The language academy in Bogota, that is the fruit of love!
Who is BBE Languages? We are one of the language academies in Bogota and Colombia that helps Latin-American companies thrive by providing training in cross cultural communication. And although many of us on the BBE Languages team are from other regions of the world, when they ask us, “Why are you here?”, our answer is simple:
We are here because Latin-America is our home. And whether we were born here or not, we believe in our region and want to be part of its growth and prosperity, speeding up cross cultural commercial development.
We have learned since 2011, that a bilingual workforce is synonymous with corporate growth. It is clear that developing a language and multicultural communications skills are key to the competitiveness of any company in the global market, and being proficient in a language, as such, provides Latin-American professionals with an indispensable ingredient to improve their own quality of life.
However, we know that learning a language is a challenging journey, full of overwhelming peaks and valleys through unknown territory. You can sometimes feel as if you are alone and trapped on the same plateau. It is normal to wonder if you will ever make it.
We understand.
We have seen these peaks and we have had our own plateaus. We have followed the same paths, unsuccessfully. However, during our journey, we discovered that what makes the difference is the adequate training and guidance on the path. Now we help organizations strengthen their bilingual workforce by providing them with the training that transforms the way they learn, communicate and grow.
To that end, we have developed methods and programs that adapt to the communication and language objectives of each company. Our teachers are certified and prepared to challenge students to go beyond what they have imagined. Our multidisciplinary staff is here to ensure we provide the most effective tools to help companies and teams escalate to their next peak.
That is how we contribute to your company’s growth. We are here to build a better future for everyone in Latin-American, one empowered professional at a time and with a society that evolves.
Our language academy: A symbol of revolutionary love!
Our love for Latin-America is revolutionary because the path has never been easy, and we are going against all the challenges that it means to be one of the language academies in Bogota and Colombia. We have the great challenge of being foreign and culturally connect with our students to help them overcome their own obstacles in the learning process.
On our journey around the world of learning, we have evolved and discovered along the way that methodologies, methods and programs make the difference. We focus each learning strategy on each person and company’s bilingual communication objectives.
We continue to evolve as an online and in-person language academy, and innovate with tools, resources and models that adapt to your needs. Students are our center and today, because of them, we are one of the language academies in Bogota and Colombia with a trajectory and the best guarantees for learning.
We also know that each student’s challenge is with themselves and that is why we help them overcome their own limits, guided by our team of certified teachers with experience in disruptive learning methodologies.
That is how through every individual that achieves their goals in becoming proficient in another language, we make an impact on their quality of life, the development of companies they work for and in their community.
A language academy with social commitment
Apart from being one of the best language academies in Bogota, our passion is to see how companies and their employees grow with all the power that mastering another language gives them. We empower leaders and know that in this way we perpetuate the development of society, companies and economy of the region.
We believe that knowledge should be democratized when it is in the measure, at the time and in the channel, people need it to be. We seek for that democratization of knowledge with our online language academy and an extensive offering of programs which provide in-person, virtual and hybrid modalities that combine the best of both worlds.
As well as with our own e-learning platform that allows us to provide unlimited access to learning contents. In this way, we break the time and space barriers for all those who are seeking self-improvement and growth by learning a new language.
In BBE Languages we work to be the best solution for you.
Thinking about being your best option, we forge ourselves through experience, dedication and training. Today, we can say that we have a value proposal that is the solution you require:
Specialists in corporate projects.
High quality programs with a professional focus.
Adaptability to the client’s needs.
Agility and excellence in client/student service.
Certified and experienced team of teachers.
Communication and soft skills for work.
We are breaking limits and facing challenges for you, for your company and for all those who are Latin-American at heart. We are traveling together on this journey!